Running by Natalia Sylvester

When fifteen-year-old Cuban American Mariana Ruiz’s father runs for president, Mari starts to see him with new eyes. A novel about waking up and standing up, and what happens when you stop seeing your dad as your hero—while the whole country is watching. In this thoughtful, authentic, humorous, and gorgeously written novel about privacy, waking […]

We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez

A ripped-from-the-headlines novel of desperation, escape, and survival across the U.S.-Mexico border. Pulga, Chico, and Pequeña have no false illusions about the town they’ve grown up in and the dangers that surround them. Though their families–both biological and found–create a warm community for them, threats lurk around every corner. And when those threats become all […]

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton & Throw by Ruben Degollado

Banned Books Week and Hispanic Heritage Month fall at the same time. All week I am going to be spotlighting a Classic Banned Book and a book by a Hispanic Author that I think you will love if you loved the banned book. A Margie’s Must Reads version of “If you like this, then you […]

SLAY by Brittney Morris

Superman:Dawnbreaker by Matt de la Pena

The fourth installment of the DC Icon series is finally here! “Superman: Dawnbreaker” is the book I have been waiting for. De la Peña takes a beloved character, creates a Smallville, very similar to towns in America, weaves an immigration subplot into a superhero mystery that is sure to capture the hearts of old and […]

The Beauty of the Moment by Tanaz Bhathena

One of my favorite books of the year so far is The Beauty of the Moment, this book has everything I love all packed up into 320 pages. A love story for the ages, a coming of age story for our time, this book a timely story. Malcolm and Susan are not two kids who […]

Let’s Go Swimming on Doomsday by Natalie C. Anderson

Abdi is forced to become a child soldier to save the lives of those he loves. It is a harsh reality, books like this are not easy to read, but I feel they are important for young people to see the lives, the desperation, and the atrocities that take place all over the world that […]

The Hunting: Doll 3 By Miracle Austin

I am not a big horror fan, I will be the first to admit I am a big SCAREDY CAT!!  I jump at the things that go bump in the night, so when I met Miracle Austin and fell in love with her as a person, I decided that I would give her books a […]

Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly

“Song for a Whale” is a gem of a book; a story about a young deaf girl who often feels isolated and alone because of her deafness. Iris is a bit of a tech genius and is often sought after to fix everything for everyone but is often made to feel as if she is […]

Throw by Rubén Degollado

Sometimes you read a story that resonates in you so powerfully, it feels as if it is part of your soul, Throw was that kind of story for me. I am a sucker for coming of age stories, The Outsiders was my favorite book growing and to this day still holds a special place in […]