Twenty-four Seconds from Now by Jason Reynolds

A Coretta Scott King Author Award Winner A New York Times Bestseller Seven starred reviews! “Jason Reynolds has done it again!…Fresh from start to finish…This is what it could be, should be, if only we were all as lucky as Aria. Girls (and everyone) wait for your Neon!” —Judy Blume, New York Times bestselling author of Are You There God? […]

Miles Morales ( A Spider Man Novel) by Jason Reynolds

Miles Morales is one cool dude, but like most young boys, he has his insecurities. All of that along with being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man has its own dilemmas. With his best friend sidekick and his super amazing parents, Miles maneuvers through his life and is faced with real life messy predicaments. Through his journey, […]

5 Diverse YA Books…Straight from History, Straight from the Headlines

#WeNeedDiverseBooks We need to see ourselves in books… We need to know we are not alone… We need to teach tolerance & acceptance… We need to learn about each other without prejudice… We need to seek understanding…     Out Of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez “This is East Texas, and there’s lines. Lines you […]