Anne and Henry by Dawn Ius

I love retellings and adaptions of classics, legends, fairy-tales and mythology. I read so many of them I can spot them a mile away! Anne and Henry was such an unexpected read!  I was hooked just looking at the book cover!  I have had a long time obsession with The Tudors and we all know […]

TEEN READ WEEK! Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

TEEN READ WEEK!  GET LOST IN…. EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING by Nicola Yoon This innovative, heartfelt debut novel tells the story of a girl who’s literally allergic to the outside world. When a new family moves in next door, she begins a complicated romance that challenges everything she’s ever known. The narrative unfolds via vignettes, diary entries, […]

What to Read After Harry Potter~Middle Grade Magic

I was about 6 months pregnant when Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was released.  I read the book aloud to the baby in my belly. When this baby was 5 he wanted a Harry Potter party. I went a bit nuts…. chocolate frogs, pretzel wands, snitch pins, Harry glasses, lighting bolt tattoos, Hogwarts […]

Book of the Day! Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy

Self-proclaimed fat girl Willowdean Dickson (dubbed “Dumplin’” by her former beauty queen mom) has always been at home in her own skin. Her thoughts on having the ultimate bikini body? Put a bikini on your body. With her all-American beauty best friend, Ellen, by her side, things have always worked…until Will takes a job at […]

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds & Brendan Kiely

I was so excited when I heard of this collaboration between Jason Reynolds & Brendan Kiely. All American Boys hits all the hot buttons of society today.  Told in alternating points of view, in clear black and white, AAB is sure to be censored, sure to be challenged, sure to be a classic. Powerful and […]

Neverland by Shari Arnold

Neverland is perfect in its imagery and style. This book is magical, lyrical and beautiful.  This is one Peter Pan Retelling you do not want to miss.   

The Growing Diversity in YA Novels! #IReadYA #WeNeedDiverseBooks

In the past few years, we have seen a growing trend in diverse YA novels.  We are seeing more and more books written about people with different backgrounds, ethnicity, cultures BY writers of diverse backgrounds, ethnicity, cultures and it’s ABOUT TIME! Here are a few Diverse books, rich with culture that I have really enjoyed. […]

Sunday Spotlight! Spelled by Betsy Schow Excerpt & Giveaway!

Fairy Tale Survival Rule #32: If you find yourself at the mercy of a wicked witch, sing a romantic ballad and wait for your Prince Charming to save the day. Yeah, no thanks. Dorthea is completely princed out. Sure being the crown princess of Emerald has its perks―like Glenda Original ball gowns and Hans Christian […]

Celebrate Children’s Book Week!

What is Children’s Book Week? May 4-10, 2015 — the 96th anniversary! Children’s Book Week is the annual celebration of books for young people and the joy of reading. Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, commemorative events are held nationwide at schools, libraries, bookstores, […]

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy…FOREVER

Today we celebrate the 202nd book birthday of Pride & Prejudice! A while back, I posted a picture on another blog I review for that said “You can keep Mr. Grey, I’m sticking with Mr. Darcy” and to my dismay, several people commented stating they had no clue who Mr. Darcy was! As a Jane […]