Henry and the Yeti by Russell Ayto

Henry and the Yeti by Russell Ayto

Henry and the Yeti by Russell AytoHenry and the Yeti by Russell Ayto
Genres: Children's Books
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This energetic, laugh-out-loud picture book about one boy’s quest to find a yeti is perfect for fans of Uni the Unicorn and Dear Yeti.

Henry loves yetis.

Yes, yetis.

The problem is nobody knows if yetis actually exist. Henry, however, is sure they do, and he sets off on an expedition to find one. He has packed everything he needs, including a camera to take photos for evidence. But can he find a yeti? And will anyone believe him when he returns home?

Told through charming illustrations, this is a heart-warming and witty story about believing in yourself (and yetis).


MATEO LOVES YETIS!!  He loves this yeti book, it is all we have been reading for weeks now!  Mateo loves for us to read this story to him. After we’ve read it a few times, he loves to tell his own story based on the fun, amazing pictures. A delightful read for all ages.


