We ran across town, holding hands and laughing as we darted through yards. The warm summer night was sticky, the humidity heavy on our skin. Neighbors shouted over the crickets and the owls, yelling for us to get home. It was well past dinnertime, but we’d made each other a promise that we wouldn’t […]
Meet Me on Love Lane by Nina Bocci
December 17, 2019 by Margiesmustreads ·
Filed Under: Blog Tours, Book Promo, Home, Must Reads, Romance · Tagged With: Meet Me on Love Lane, Nina Bocci, Romance
An Author Interview with My Besties Alice Clayton & Nina Bocci
June 16, 2016 by Margiesmustreads ·

I am so excited to have Alice Clayton AND Nina Bocci stop by my little ol’ blog!! I have been a stalker, I mean a super fan of Alice Clayton’s books for years!! Her Red-Head Series is probably my favorite Romantic Comedy series EVER! I was fortunate to meet Nina Bocci through a shared love […]
Filed Under: Book Crush, Book Promo, Home · Tagged With: Alice Clayton, Nina Bocci, Roman Crazy, Romantic Comedy
COVER REVEAL! Roman Crazy by Alice Clayton and Nina Bocci
December 14, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·

Avery Bardot steps off the plane in Rome, looking for a fresh start. She’s left behind a soon-to-be ex-husband in Boston and plans to spend the summer with her best friend Daisy—away from home and licking her wounds…and perhaps a gelato or two. But when Daisy, an American expat now living in Rome, throws her […]
Filed Under: Cover Reveals, Home · Tagged With: Alice Clayton, Nina Bocci, Roman Crazy