The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, we have another Tate to love!! Racer was quick from the start, from the moment he was born to the moment he fell in love. His story was fast paced, sexy and real. I loved meeting up with Remy, Brooke and Iris, it was so nice to […]
Racer by Katy Evans
Legend by Katy Evans ~ Review
Let me just say that I am very sad that REAL is coming to an end and I know all good things do. As readers, characters become a part of who were are sometimes. We love them as if they were true friends. It is always hard to let go. I have been following Remy […]
EXCERPT! Legend by Katy Evans!
SEATTLE Maverick ‘Not in a million years, kid.’ ‘No.’ ‘NOT INTERESTED.’ ‘Get the fuck out of my face!’ Four cities in two days, and more doors slammed in my face than I can count. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and scratch another name from my list. Hopping on to a bus and hopping […]

LEGEND (Real series #6) Can love really conquer all? – Book 6 in Katy Evan’s breakout New York Times bestselling series that began with REAL. Maverick “the Avenger” Cage wants to rise to the top and become a legend in the ring. Though he keeps his identity well guarded, he’s known on the fighting circuit as the new […]