Only Aly Martinez can give us a book with such a powerful punch, it makes you yearn for more. Give me more! Gah! This book was so great! I love the Page Brothers. Sweet Quarry, all grown up! He is just as amazing as his big brothers, maybe even more so. Liv, strong, stoic and […]
Fighting Solitude by Aly Martinez
FIGHTING SOLITUDE by Aly Martinez Excerpt Reveal
“Jesus Christ, Quarry! Calm down. You’re making it worse.” Till pointed toward the building where the woman I loved lay dead in a coffin. Oh, God. My eyes, tunneled by rage, flashed around the mob of reporters before landing on the front steps of the funeral home, where an even bigger crowd of Mia’s friends […]
Review & Excerpt! FIGHTING SHADOWS by Aly Martinez

Ally Martinez does it again. She delivers a novel that packs such an emotional punch you can’t help but be consumed. I was dying to know what would come of Flint Page at the end of Fighting the Silence and this book went beyond my expectations. Fighting Shadows will make you feel all human emotions…all […]
Must Read! Fighting the Silence by Aly Martinez

In a world with no guarantees, all Till Page has in his life are his little brothers and his best friend Eliza. Their love story starts when they are just 13 years old in an old condemned apartment building where they slowly begin to fall in love. They use this place as an escape […]