Let me just say that I am very sad that REAL is coming to an end and I know all good things do. As readers, characters become a part of who were are sometimes. We love them as if they were true friends. It is always hard to let go. I have been following Remy […]
Legend by Katy Evans ~ Review
EXCERPT! Legend by Katy Evans!
SEATTLE Maverick ‘Not in a million years, kid.’ ‘No.’ ‘NOT INTERESTED.’ ‘Get the fuck out of my face!’ Four cities in two days, and more doors slammed in my face than I can count. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and scratch another name from my list. Hopping on to a bus and hopping […]
Ms. Manwhore by Katy Evans

Take his name. Because I love him. Because when I look into his eyes, nothing else exists but him. Because even when I don’t look into his eyes, nothing else exists but him. Ms. Manwhore was the perfect ending to such an emotional, yet enchanting series I love Malcolm and his corner kisses, I love […]

LEGEND (Real series #6) Can love really conquer all? – Book 6 in Katy Evan’s breakout New York Times bestselling series that began with REAL. Maverick “the Avenger” Cage wants to rise to the top and become a legend in the ring. Though he keeps his identity well guarded, he’s known on the fighting circuit as the new […]
Review! Manwhore+1 by Katy Evans

For a man of few words he says the swooniest! As a man of action he gives her his all… This book tore me apart then put me back together…I didn’t want it to end. Manwhore +1 is Sexy, Swoony, Sweet, Sinfully Seductive…Saint not only Satisfies, He will own you… I love Malcolm Kyle Preston […]
EXCERPT REVEAL: Manwhore +1 by Katy Evans

FOUR WEEKS I’ve never been so hopeful as when I board the pristine glass elevator at the M4 corporate building. A handful of employees ride along with me, murmuring perfunctory greetings to each other and to me. I think my mouth must be on vacation because I can’t seem to force it to speak. But […]
Manwhore by Katy Evans OUT IN THE WILD!!

Finally the day has come for the world to meet Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint!! Heartfelt and Sexy! Malcolm Saint will own your mind and invade your heart. He is the ultimate. WOW! DIBS! #WhoIsMalcolmSaint? Your New Book Boyfriend, That’s Who! 5 Sexy as Sin Hearts from me! ” His smile is all mischief. […]