Genres: Coming of Age, Young Adult
Pages: 271
Format: Hardcover

While backpacking through Florence, Italy, during the summer before she heads off to college, Lucy Sommersworth finds herself falling in love with the culture, the architecture, the food...and Jesse Palladino, a handsome street musician. After a whirlwind romance, Lucy returns home, determined to move on from her "vacation flirtation." But just because summer is over doesn't mean Lucy and Jesse have to be, does it?
April Lindner rewrites classics that are destined to become classics themselves.
In this retelling of a Room with a View, young Lucy Somersworth uses her one summer before college to be anyone she wants to be. Traveling with a friend, she is finally free from her father’s rules and expectations. She travels to Florence, Italy where she quickly falls in love with the Italian culture, the vibrant scenery, and a cute street musician. A love story so sweet it takes you back to your first love, your first heartbreak and leaves you with so many feels! I enjoyed this book so much; I want to unread it to read it again!
In her latest work, Linder takes us on a whirlwind romance, a grand adventure and a vacation flirtation that may stand the test of time. A coming-of-age story of two young people finding their place in the world and figuring out what it means to follow your dreams.
5 Hearts!!
I have been an April Lindner fan since she released Jane in 2010! I love retellings so when I saw Jane at TLA I snatched it up and read it cover to cover in one sitting. It is still to this day my favorite Jane Eyre Retelling. Read my review for Jane here.
I was thrilled to finally meet her this past month at TLA 15! I LOVE HER!!!