The Raven by Sylvain Reynard

  When I first got this book in the mail, my 70 year old mother and I fought over who would read it first. We are both huge SR groupies. I was intrigued with The Prince after readingΒ book 0.5Β and was eager to meet Miss Raven Wood.Β As I devoured the pages, I came to the conclusion… […]

The Prince by Sylvain Reynard

Title: The Prince Series: The Floretine 0.5 Author: Sylvain Reynard Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Penguin Group Release Date: January 20, 2015 Format: eARC Pages: 86 Source: Netgalley The unveiling of a set of priceless illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy at the Uffizi Gallery exposes the unsuspecting Professor Gabriel Emerson and his beloved wife, Julianne, to […]

An Excerpt from The Prince by Sylvain Reynard

In the distance, the Prince could hear voices and muffled sounds. He approached silently, almost floating across the floor. Desperate groans and the rustling of fabric filled his ears, along with the twin sounds of rapidly beating hearts. He could smell their scents, the aromas heightened due to their sexual arousal. He growled in reaction. […]