Character Interview & Excerpt! My Favorite Modern Day Darcy! Stephen Calder Westing III

  I have been in love with Stephen Calder Westing III for years!!  He lives in my favorite modern Pride and Prejudice adaption The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice.  A modern love story with a Jane Austen twist.. . Marine biologist Cassie Boulton has no patience when a modern-day Mr. Darcy appears in her […]

Blog Tour Stop! Suddenly Mrs. Darcy by Jenetta James

Honestly…I would love to “Suddenly become Mrs. Darcy!” I am convinced that all Janeites are awesome!  Every time I pick up another Austen Adaption I go in very cautiously, wondering how this writer can make this one different from the rest.  I know that everyone has their own style and spin on things but when […]