Give me more Seconds to Juliet!!! I love Nathan!!! I have been waiting for his book FOREVER!!! Drama and romance that only Backstage Pass can deliver!! Sweet, fun, adorable romance!! I LOVED IT!!! My Favorite Band when I was in High School and my favorite band STILL!!!! 25 Years and still in love!!
Abby and the Cute One by Erin Butler
November 18, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·
Filed Under: Book Promo, Home, I Love YA, I Love YA, Reviews · Tagged With: Abby and cute one, Seconds to Juliet
BLOG TOUR STOP & GIVEAWAY! Daisy and The Front Man (Backstage Pass Series #1) by Rebekah L. Purdy
June 23, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·

Ok, this book was super cute! I already have a list of girls I know I will recommend this to when school starts up again. I also know of a few that graduated but still contact me for books to read, I cannot wait to tell them about this one. Daisy is more than a […]
Filed Under: Blog Tours, I Love YA, Reviews · Tagged With: Dasiy and the Front Man, Rebekah L. Purdy