One date with the sexier-than-sin Detective Drake Nash. Simple. Until you take into account that my brother finally proposed to his girlfriend, so Nonna is on a warpath—and the crazy old bat has Cupid by the balls. The upcoming mayoral elections has everyone running on full speed, and while I couldn’t give any less […]
Release Day Blast! Tangled Bond by Emma Hart
July 30, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·
Filed Under: Home, Release Day Blast · Tagged With: Emma Hart, Tangled Bond, Twisted Bond
Review: Intercepted by Emma Hart
April 18, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·

I have a soft spot for Best Friend Romance. I love when two characters have had a special connection since childhood and some how through kismet get the opportunity to be together. It is so romantic! Intercepted is one of those heart-felt stories. Two people fall in love as teens and even though life […]
Filed Under: Best Friend Romance, Blog Tours, Home, Reviews, Sports Romance · Tagged With: Emma Hart, Football, Ried North, Sports Romance