“I want to break down her doors, climb her ivory tower. I want to slay all her fucking dragons” The Sweetest, Swooniest, Sexiest Emma Chase book yet! Oh Brent! How I love thee. Our mystery man, our intriguing soul.. now I know why Emma saved the BEST for last! He is such a good guy […]
Appealed by Emma Chase
January 7, 2016 by Margiesmustreads ·
Filed Under: Book Crush, Home, Reviews · Tagged With: Emma Chase
Review! Sustained by Emma Chase
August 30, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·

Sustained is my FAVORITE Emma Chase book! I loved this story. Jake and Chelsea’s chance encounter turns into a love so amazing and true you can’t help but root them. I loved every single word! Serendipity has never been so splendid! Sustained is sweet, sexy, swoony and side-splitting hilarious! I love Jake Becker! […]
Filed Under: Home, Reviews · Tagged With: Emma Chase, Jake Becker, The Legal Briefs Series
MUST READ! Overruled by Emma Chase
June 8, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·

I love Emma Chase Romance. She is such a gifted writer. Her heroes and heroines are like no other in the genre. Her books are always fresh and fun. You are guaranteed a lot of laughs and a few tears but above all you are always given a book that you will love, a book […]
Filed Under: Must Reads, Reviews · Tagged With: Emma Chase, Lawyers in Love, Overruled, Stanton Shaw, The Legal Briefs