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Summer vacation was never supposed to be like this.
It was bad enough Naomi had to be shipped off to her dad's home for the summer and deal with her half-brother Gavin, but when the siblings are forced to spend their break with their great-grandmother in upstate New York, everything changes. An investigation into the strange disappearance of their great-grandfather forces them to retrace his footsteps. They discover a gateway between worlds and encounter extraordinary creatures in a land where the people are desperate to escape the coming of a shade lord. To survive their adventure, Naomi and Gavin must settle their differences and find the elusive shadow gate that will take them home again.
The Last Shadow Gate
by Michael W. Garza
Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: March 3rd 2017
NeverHaven Press
Book 1: The Last Shadow Gate
Book 2: A Veil of Shadows (Coming 2017)
Book 3: The Shadow of War (Coming 2018)
Advance Praise for THE LAST SHADOW GATE:
“If this book had been around when I was a kid, I’d have held it right up there with The Chronicles of
Narnia and Lord of the Rings.” – Sunshine Somerville, Author of THE KOTA SERIES
“You won’t want to miss out on the thrilling yet perilous world beyond the shadow gates!” – J. Cornell Michel, Author of JORDAN’S BRAINS
*If you love fast-paced, YA Fantasy, THE LAST SHADOW GATE is the book for you.*
Michael W. Garza often finds himself wondering where his inspiration will come from next and in what form his imagination will bring it to life. The outcomes regularly surprise him and it’s always his ambition to amaze those curious enough to follow him and take in those results. He hopes everyone will find something that frightens, surprises, or simply astonishes them.
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Michal W. Garza’s Top Ten Fantasy Books of All Time:
The Eye of the World (Robert Jordan) – If you’re searching to lose yourself in an extremely detailed fantasy culture, this is the series for you.
The Sword of Shannara (Terry Brooks) – I always felt like he took too much from Tolkien but the story is well worth a read.
Redwall (Brian Jacques) – Another huge series but easy to lose yourself in.
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis) – I was hooked at the age of ten.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Margaret Weis) – I’ve read more Dragon Lance books than anyone has the right to.
The Dark Tower (Stephen King) – Honestly, I’m not much of a King fan but I enjoyed this series.
The Black Company (Glen Cook) – One of the darkest fantasies out there and worth a read.
The color of Magic (Terry Pratchett) – I could have picked a number of Discworld books here.
A Wizard of Earthsea (Ursula K. Le Guin) – Read it many times & will probably read it many more.
Lord of the rings (J.R.R. Tolkien) – I know, I know, but it’s still my favorite.