HER RENEGADE RANCHER Montana Men #5 Jennifer Ryan

HER RENEGADE RANCHER Montana Men #5 Jennifer Ryan

by Jennifer Ryan
Genres: Cowboy Romance, Romance

Colt will do anything to keep Luna safe, including put his life on the line.


Montana Men #5
Jennifer Ryan
Releasing Sept 20th, 2016
Avon Books

Colt Kendrick knows one thing about a small town, you can’t avoid anyone for long-especially a girl he crossed the line with and is best friends with his brother’s fiancé. Luna could have been the one if he hadn’t done her wrong. Colt’s intentions are nothing but honorable, but his thoughts about Luna sure aren’t. How could he ever let a sweet girl like her go? He won’t make that mistake twice.

Luna Hill thought she lost her shot with the sexy cowboy, but sometimes lightning does strike twice. While she wants to see what one scorching kiss leads to, she’s got a job offer out of state. Will she stay stuck in her less than life, or reach for her dream? An unexpected and amazing opportunity will keep her in town and give her what her heart desires most, a chance to be with Colt, but it comes with a price that may cost Colt his life.

Colt will do anything to keep Luna safe, including put his life on the line, because nothing is more important than the woman who showed Colt he has a heart-and it belongs to her.


 “You drive me crazy.”

She didn’t even hide her smile. “Why?”

“Because all I want to do is kiss you.”

“More things we agree on.” She placed her hand on the back of his neck, went up on tiptoe, and brushed her lips over his. Like a match swiped across the rough edge of the box, a fire lit inside of them. Colt’s arms banded around her. One big hand held her lower back. He planted the other right on her ass, his long fingers lay over the curve, inches from the tingling heat building between her legs. He pulled her closer and took the kiss deeper. His tongue glided along hers. She moaned. He growled, titled his head for a better angle, and kissed her socks off.

Luna lost herself in Colt’s arms. The first kiss they shared rocked her world off center and left her wondering if what she felt that night in the parking lot was real or just her imagination. Not only was the passion and need real, something opened inside her and everything within her settled.

God, the man could kiss.

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Ryan is the New
York Times
& USA Today
bestselling author of The Hunted Series and The McBrides Series. She writes
romantic suspense and contemporary small-town romances featuring strong men and
equally resilient women. Her stories are filled with love, family, friendship,
and the happily-ever-after we all hope to find.
lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and three children. When
she isn’t writing a book, she’s reading one. Her obsession with both is often
revealed in the state of her home and in how late dinner is to the table. When
she finally leaves those fictional worlds, you’ll find her in the garden,
playing in the dirt and daydreaming about people who live only in her
head, until she puts them on paper.

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