Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills A scarred fighter. A girl with rules. One night of unbridled passion. There are three things you need to know about Elizabeth Bennett: she’s smart as a whip, always in control, and lives by a set of carefully crafted rules. She’s learned the hard way that people you love the […]
RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills
October 12, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·
Filed Under: Book Promo, Home, Release Day Blast · Tagged With: Dirty English, Ilsa Madden-Mills
COVER REVEAL! Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills
September 10, 2015 by Margiesmustreads ·

Meet Declan and Elizabeth in Ilsa Madden-Mills new fighter romance! Release Date: October 12th, 2015 A scarred fighter. A girl with rules. One night of unbridled passion. There are three things you need to know about Elizabeth Bennett: she’s smart as a whip, always in control, and lives by a set of carefully crafted […]
Filed Under: Book Promo, Cover Reveals, Home · Tagged With: Dirty English, Ilsa Madden-Mills