MUST READ: Ready or Not by J.L. Berg





Born into wealth and privilege, free-spirited Liv Prescott left it all behind when she realized there was more to life than living off of trust funds and barely skating by. Since then, she’s worked and fought for everything she’s earned and never looked back at the world or the family she left behind.

Jackson Reid is starting over with a new job in a brand new city. A single father to his son Noah, he hopes the change will help strengthen the bond that has seemed to suffer since puberty reared its ugly head. What he hadn’t planned on was Liv—his exotic next-door neighbor who drives him insane with her wild, new age lifestyle, but still manages to leave him aching for more.

As challenges arise and feelings intensify, will these neighbors be able to look past their differences and find a middle ground? When love comes knocking, will they be ready, or not?

The fourth book in the Ready Series

***This book contains adult language and scenes. Not intended for readers under the age of 18.***



I love J.L. Berg.  She is easily a Must Read Author for me.  I loved this 4th installment of the Ready Series.

Olivia is a strong, feisty heroine and Jackson is a Sexy Southerner, drawl and all!!!  The Ready Series is one of my favorite series and every book gets better and better!  This is my favorite one so far. 

This book was fabulous!

Ready or Not  is  sweet, sassy and sexy!  J.L. Berg has my reading heart forever. 

