I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to review books. I love to get a new book, go in blind and get lost in the pages. I love when I have never heard of the author, read their book and fall in love. So many times I am pleasantly pleased with what unfolds between the pages of the story. It is the BEST feeling! Reading is one of life’s simple pleasures.
I read so many wonderful books in the Romance Genre making it so hard for me to narrow it down to a few. My tastes are everywhere! I love it all from the sweet to the sexy. This is a mix of all types of Romance and my favorites for the year!
****Pride and Prejudice and the Perfect Bet by Marilyn Brant & Three and Out by K.C. Lynn have a character named after me
My Claim to Fame? In one I am the boss to the main character and in the other I am a one night stand to my favorite Fictional Football Player!!! WhooHooo!!! You need to read them to see me in action!! Read all the books on this list!!! THEY ARE FAB!!!!!****
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